Brick & Stone Mason Insurance
Brick and stone mason insurance is described as commercial liability protection in case of lawsuits arising from bodily injury or property damage. Any type of faulty installation or negligent masonal work on a commercial or residential building can have severe consequences. Should a lawsuit arise due to a loss, brick and stone mason insurance is meant to offer financial protection.

General Liability Insurance Needs of Brick & Stone Masonry Companies
Many homeowners and business owners throughout Ontario Canada have brick or stone masonry needs such as thin veneer or brick exterior walls, fireplaces, interior accent walls and retaining walls. At the same time home and business owners are becoming more savvy when looking for a masonry contractor and may request proof of insurance or WSIB coverage before they sign a contract or let you on their premises. We receive numerous calls from contractors who are looking for insurance coverage because their clients are requiring proof of insurance before starting a job.
What is Masonry Contractor General Liability Insurance?
Brick and stone masons, just like painters, plumbers, electricians, masons, flooring contractors, renovation contractors, HVAC technicians, window installers, fence and deck contractors, roofing contractors, and concrete contractors are all contractors who have a duty of care to their client's premises and are at risk of being sued. This duty of care ensures that no harm or damage results to persons or property as a result of the contractors actions or inaction. In tort law, if a mason does not fulfill their duty of care responsibilities while working on a building, the contractor is at risk of being sued for negligence. If a faulty installation causes collapse, fire or injury a mason is likely to be sued. Contractors insurance is designed to protect brick and stone masonry businesses from damaging lawsuits relating to negligence or improper work. General liability could mean the difference between forced liquidation and remaining in business.

Get an Appliance Installation General Liability Quote Now

Why Should Brick & Stone Masons Get Contractors Insurance?
If you are working as an brick or stone mason in the province of Ontario, you should get a comprehensive masonry insurance policy that covers your tools, legal expenses, and liability for property damage and bodily injury coverage. I am asked, what is the most appropriate time to get covered as a brick or stone mason? I recommend that sooner is better than later. A contractor engages in a level of risk each and every time he or she lays or repairs masonry in a client’s home. Something can always go wrong when masonry is laid or damage can occur as a result of a repair. With that being said, one shouldn't wait to get brick and stone masonry contractor liability insurance. Get it as soon as you can.

What are the Potential Costs?
Every masonry contractor has an obligation to ensure he or she is getting the best price for commercial insurance. For some small-business owners, they avoid being properly covered because of reasons of yet another cost of doing business. Unfortunately, many contractors only choose to get insurance protection when a problem with one of their jobs arises. This is a common mistake that I want to insure I can make sure doesn't happen to you. I hope that I can put you at ease by letting you know that brick and stone masonry contractor insurance doesn’t have to break the bank and it is my goal to have proof of commercial insurance in your hands within a few hours.
However, the premium for masonry contractor liability insurance policies can vary from contractor to contractor. Typically, our liability, tool, loss of income, equipment and installation floater package start at $725/year for $2 million in coverage. This packaged rate will assume that you are a contracting business that provides exclusive sub-trade type of contracting work and have gross annual receipts of less that $2,000,000 a year. Please keep in mind that your price will also depend on your history and experience as a contractor, business contracts, company size, ownership of stock, buildings, contents and tools. For more information about the factors that can affect your cost of insurance as a contractor, check out the: "How much does contractor insurance cost?" page.
How Long Will it Take to Get Masonry Insurance?
Before you’re able to get general liability insurance for your brick or stone masonry business, I will first need to qualify that you fit into our underwriting criteria. After you complete your request for a quote, I will call you to collect all of your experience in the field of brick or stone masonry, business insurance history as a contractor, installation floater details, contractor tools, WSIB information for any employees you may have, review liability limits and deductibles, review business interruption coverage needs, commercial locations that you rent/own, locations that you occasionally rent for our tenant's legal liability coverage and the need for liability for non-owned auto coverage. If your commercial coverage needs falls into one of our extensive contractor packages, I could have coverage bound for you in as quickly as 20 minutes.

The Risks You Face
As a mason, you face a wealth of risks. You may feel that you provided ultimate service for your client but that doesn't meant that the client won't accuse you of negligence causing damages. If you unknowingly damage the clients property or the masonry causes a problem at a later date, you may be deemed responsible. Brick and stone masonry businesses are always at risk of being sued by their clients and you’re no different.
Excessive water damage could be caused eventually because of poorly installed or maintained masonry and their insurance company is looking to find probable cause elsewhere. Do not be surprised if your business is served in a lawsuit. It is best business practice to close the gaps in risk for your masonry business. Don't delay. Click "get a quote" and provide some details about your business so I can reach out to you and ensure you are properly covered today!